Happy Mid
Week Readers! I want to continue to challenge those who have been following my
blogs this week or newly challenge those who are reading today’s blog only.
Monday I asked you to clean out a shirt drawer. Yesterday I told you to clean
out the refrigerator. Today I want you to throw out any socks that don’t have a
companion!! TODAY! DO IT!
No matter
how careful I am, I still lose a sock here and there. I’ll hold on it for a
little while (at least till laundry is done and the hamper is empty) and then
see if it shows up. Sometimes its does and sometimes it doesn’t and I used to hold
on to them forever. I would have a drawer full of mismatched socks! Just taking
up space! Does that happen to you? Well
no more. Unless you are going to wear two different socks to work, I say throw
them out!!!! You can always by new socks.
Its things
like this that add up and make clutter happen. Soon you don’t have space for
the stuff that really matters. So today THROW OUT SOCKS THAT DON’T HAVE A MATE!