Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Get Them To Say YES!

Getting a YES from someone can be hard sometimes. Most often it is the approach. Regardless, it begins with YOU. You need to be clear on what you want and then go from there. Here is one way to a YES answer:
1: What do you want? The most important first step is to determine about what your big ask is. If you are a salesman it is probably getting the client to purchase your product, if you are an employee it might be asking for a raise. If you are a roommate, you might want your other roommates to help clean up. Identify what you want.
 2: Then start small. Once you have identified what you want, work backwards, thinking of two to three smaller wants. If you are a salesman this can be getting someone on your email list. If you are an employee wanting a raise perhaps you want to ask for an extra benefit or a title change before a salary bump. If you are the roommate, maybe suggest help with the trash once a week or help with keeping the common room straightened up.
 3: Plan your first approach. Your first yes to a smaller item might be even more important than your yes to the large item. Plan your approach for your first yes as if it was just as important as your ultimate goal. Lay out all of the reasons your target should say yes to your first ask. Often times your target will be so overwhelmed by your preparation and energy for your easy ask, they will be much happier to say yes.
 4: Build Trust. Once your target has given you your first yes — don’t let them down! Make sure they are happy with your first promise. 

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