Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The One Truth About Time Management!

Time Management is the KEY to so many things in life. Its help with things running on time; things running smoother; carving out time for family and friends; getting that list of thing around the house done, etc. As an organizer, I talk about time management. I offer ways of setting up the management of time in your life. But there is ONE thing about time management( and what it can and can't do) that I have found to be true:

You can't do everything! There are not enough hours in the day or days in the week or weeks in the month!

I find that to be a positive message! I feel like its a freeing, liberating message!

What I'm saying is that you will never be able to do EVERYTHING or get to everything and that's okay. Time management forces you to PRIORITIZE what is important to do. Time Management make you narrow down what you want to do. It means working smarter not harder. You might not be able to paint, sew, write, and act all at the same time. You might need to drop one or two of those things and get to them later. See you don;t have to give up all of your wants and desire, you might just have to defer them to a later date.

When setting up a good time schedule, you are forced to look at what you are spending your time ON. You might be able to eliminate things to allow for others. You might find that things that were important, aren't as important anymore. I wanted to start 2 companies simultaneously six years ago. Once I found out how hard it was to set up a business, I put one on hold and started the other. Six years later, I am now able to devote time to setting up the other!

Time management is KEY! Keep that truth in your mind and go forward with that to create the schedule you need!

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