Monday, August 11, 2014

4 Ways To Motivate Employees, Group Members or Friends Helping You Out

  1. Be generous with praise. Everyone wants it and it’s one of the easiest things to give. Plus, praise from the CEO or Project Manager goes a lot farther than you might think. Praise every improvement that you see your team members make. Once you’re comfortable delivering praise one-on-one to an employee, try praising them in front of others.  
  2. Make your ideas theirs. People hate being told what to do. Instead of telling people what you want done; ask them in a way that will make them feel like they came up with the idea. “I’d like you to do it this way” turns into “Do you think it’s a good idea if we do it this way?”  
  3. Never criticize or correct. No one wants to hear that they did something wrong. If you’re looking for a de-motivator, this is it.  If friends or family members are helping you with a project, the wrong approach could ruin that personal relationship. Try an indirect approach to get people to improve, learn from their mistakes, and fix them. Ask, “Was that the best way to approach the problem? Why not? Have any ideas on what you could have done differently?” Then you’re having a conversation and talking through solutions, not pointing a finger.  
  4. Make everyone a leader. Highlight your top performers’ strengths and let them know that because of their excellence, you want them to be the example for others. You’ll set the bar high and they’ll be motivated to live up to their reputation as a leader.  

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