Friday, August 1, 2014

L is for Letting Go

The process of getting organized begins with the belief that you can get organized! Sometimes the hard part is believing you can do it. Fear and negativity can keep us from starting. I BELIEVE that we need to let go of thoughts like:
After I organize, its going to get messed up again.
I've tried to organize before, but I just can't do it.
I don't have time.
I can't find the time.
It's too much work.
I don't know where to start or what to do, so why bother.
Of course there are people out there like The Super Organizer that can help and show you how to get organized. But even before that can happen, its all starts with YOU. You have to get to the mindset that getting organized is worth it. Mind over matter. Once you believe, anything is possible!

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