Sunday, July 27, 2014

G is for Garages

A garage can be a space that becomes a "catch-all" and a "just put it in the garage" place. They are some of the most cluttered spaces I encounter. In many cases, a CAR can't even fit in them! Efficiently and cleverly organized garages can be a great addition to your house and overall space.

If you have a garage, I invite you to go in and ask these SIX questions about your garage space:
  1. What type of clutter is visible?
  2. Are there boxes. storage containers, bins stored in there? How many?
  3. Do you know what is in the boxes, storage containers and bins?
  4. Are there loose items NOT boxed up on shelves, the floor, etc?
  5. Are there items in the garage that are just taking up space and could be thrown out or given away?
  6. Is the garage space being used in the best way possible?
If the answer is YES to any or all of them, then its time to organize, purge, and put items where they are useful.

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