Tuesday, July 29, 2014

I is for It's Time To Teach Kids Time Management

Kids are not adults! When it comes to getting them to learn organization, it’s a blessing. I found in my experience of raising kids that they respond to routine. Kids can be taught. Kids are also observant and will sometimes mimic what they see and hear. So it’s up to us adults to lead and show them the way. It’s up to us to give them skills that will last them a lifetime.
Of course every child learns differently and at a different pace, but here are a few general suggestions to get them started:
1)    Create a habit of when they change out of their school clothes into their “play” clothes.  And where to put those school clothes.
2)    Create a habit of when and where they do their homework every day. Give them the same place to do it and same time (if possible) to work on it.
3)    Help them organize assignments by getting folders and labeling them. Keeps it all in one place. (sometimes clipboards work too.)
4)    Create an order of how things happen each night: chores, dinner, homework, tv time, bedtime, for example.
5)    Encourage them to pick out their own outfits each night before bedtime. I LOVE not having to worry about what I have to wear when I get up in the morning. AND it saves time.
6)    Lovingly let them know that they are doing a good job!! Positive reinforcement!

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